courtesy Young Chop's Instagram.
Producers Young Chop and Kanye West had beef awhile back when Yeezy remixed one of his songs without permission. (Click here if you missed that.) Well, looks like Chop is feelin' some type'a way about Kanye again:
courtesy Sauce Walka's Instagram. |
courtesy Tip's Instagram. |
courtesy Iggy Azalea's Instagram page. |
courtesy Charlamagne's Instagram. |
courtesy Tokyo Vanity's Instagram. |
courtesy Plies' Instagram. |
courtesy Meek Mill's instagram. |
courtesy Quentin Miller's Instagram.
Quentin Miller, the man who Meek Mill alleged was writing Drake's rhymes just put out a song called, 'Cease and Desist'. What really has people talking, though is certain lines from the track that sound very suspiciously like him taking shots at Drake:
coutesy InkMonstarr's Instagram. |
courtesy and |
courtesy Meek's Facebook page. |
courtesy Meek Mill's instagram
Apparently still not satiated in his hunger for beef, glutton for